
Monday, July 18, 2011

Stubby Little Toe

I got a mosquito bite on my stubby little toe. It's been three days and it's still driving me crazy. I have the teeniest tiniest little stubby toe, with a barely there nail and right now it's so darn itchy and has been for three days its making me insane. I tried an emery board to stop the itch, but mostly I just keep rubbing against the toe next to it or on to my other foot. In reality I'm rubbing it on anything it gets next to.

At this point I want to cut it off.

Seriously, if the central air hadn't broken two days ago, I would be totally fixated on my little stubby toe.

1 comment:

Ducati-Harley said...

Probably NOT a mosquitoe bite. SOmething is flying around that is leaving hard, red, bumps that last about 1 week. Just get Crortizone-10 roll on (Red top tube) which will stop the itch