
Monday, July 04, 2011

Don't Take Yourself so Seriously

I don't.
Unfortunately I take other people VERY seriously. Every look, expression, word, even body language.
I had a book on body language in the seventies and it stuck.

I don't like it, they don't like it, nobody likes it.

I go round and round in my head, "what did that mean" "why did they say that" "what's that look for". I'm surprised I haven't checked myself into a mental ward. How can I not take myself seriously, yet take everything else so much to heart?

Many, many people take me seriously when they shouldn't. I find myself making a statement, waiting three seconds and saying "I was kidding" I see a lot of blank expressions throughout my day. I'm not always kidding. Sometimes its a great release to leave people with zingers, walk away, and keep them guessing. It feels good.


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