
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stop Your Belly Achin

People seem to love to complain. People who have jobs complain about them, people who don't have jobs complain about not having them. People who are single want mates and those who have mates want to be single. Its the same with money, kids, houses, cars and almost everything in between. The state of one's health is a big thing to complain about.

I try not complain, but I'm sure I do. Sometimes you just have to.

There's a fine line between complaining, whining and just stating the facts. If someone asks "How do you feel?" and you tell them your head hurts that's just a fact. If you go on to say "my heads been hurting since yesterday, I can't get anything done, I wanted to bake a cake but the flower will just go up my nose and make it worse, so I can't, it stinks when I have a headache" that's complaining. If at any point in any of those conversations you say something like "why does this always happen to me?" then your whining.

Maybe people think that if they stopped complaining they would have nothing worthwhile to say.

Now that would be something to complain about.

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