
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I Hate Sunglasses

I never wear them. I don't like the way they mess with nature. When I talk to someone and can't look them in the eyes I feel no connection. I need connection. Feels to me that those who wear them all the time do it deliberately. Maybe to hide their true expression, or hide what they are really looking at, maybe just to hide. Something feels deceptive about it. Do the people wearing them think it's a form of intimidation?
Can you trust someone who wears sunglasses all the time?

It looks cool to a point, then it just becomes ridiculous. Too forced, too obviously disinterested. Disingenuine. Especially when it isn't even sunny outside.

The distortion of color disturbs me.
I prefer things pure and natural.
A persons eyes complete the transaction.

I don't want to see the world through rose colored glasses, or any other color for that matter.

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