
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm Ready to Take a Chance Again

Well, its been just about four weeks, one cat scan, one MRI, and two neurologist visits later and I think my symptoms of a concussion are all pretty much over. Still some issues with my typing (but I was never that good anyway). No more nightmares, far less headaches, no problems rounding corners walking or driving. Concentration level returning. Ready to put my life on the line again with you.

I think.

1 comment:

Tyge said...

Barry's been bringing down the house here in Vegas for a while now. Apparently during his show (I haven't seen it) he does a montage of all the commercial jingles he's done over the years... MacDonalds, ATT,State Farm, Rolaids, Summer's Eve, etc... I heard a rumor he actually did a song called "Where's the Beef?" a whole two years before Clara Peller.
Glad you're feeling better, and thanks again for your 9/11 story.